I did some research online and could not find any helpful resources like how others overcome this issue. I could just find out that the idea was posted and waiting for Salesforce to get it delivered.
Here is the idea in the success community to provide the Add Google Doc button in Lightning. Please upvote it.
Ideally my goal is to figure it out whether attaching google docs is supported in Lightning interface or not. Is Salesforce just hiding the button or the whole functionality it self is supported or not.
I started with building a lightning component to fetch the google docs for a given record using apex controller to see if it actually retrieves data or not.
Let us first see the below apex controller. It accepts the String parameter and fetches the google docs available for the given record.
Below is the Lightning Component which uses Lightning Data Table to display the retrieved docs.Let us first see the below apex controller. It accepts the String parameter and fetches the google docs available for the given record.
Below is the related java script controller which then calls the helper method
Below is the actual helper method which calls the apex controller method to fetch the google docs records and assign it to the gdocs attribute
At this point of time when I placed this component on the Account record page and was expecting an error message which says "Thanks for all your efforts but google docs is not supported in Lightning" , but I was shocked to see the below result. As you can see in the below screenshot I was able to get the existing docs for the record and was able to display them in the Lightning Interface.
So it became very clear to me that it was just actually the button was missing and not the whole functionality and we can custom code it.
So in below snippets you can find the complete code to display, add and delete the existing records in Lightning Interface with out users ever need to switch back to classic interface.
Apex Class
Apex Test Class(This can be improved but I am just providing for your reference)
Lightning Component
Lightning Component Java Script Controller
Lightning Component Java Script Helper
And a couple of screenshots to show how it looks:
If this post really helped you to fix your issue please let me know in the comments section. Also please share it with your friends who can benefit from similar situation.
P.S: This is my very first blog post, so if you see anything that can be improved in the post, please do suggest in the comments section. Thanks.